James Turnbull


If I had my hand full of truth, I would take good care how I opened it

Lunch in Sydney

I had lunch with Brent, Sue and baby Taj in Sydney. Excellent Vietnamese in Dulich Hill. Nice table on the street and great food - I had some great Pho and rice paper rolls. And little Taj was most cute and for me - who doesn’t like most people’s kids that’s saying something.

Nagios project is forked... Hello ICINGA

The Nagios project has been forked. This will probably come as a surprise to a lot of people but I wasn’t overly shocked. To be honest I am surprised it took this long to happen. Nagios has always been a one man show - Ethan Galstad tightly controls its development and lifecycle. Whilst licensed as open source the project (outside of the Nagios Plugins) was largely architected, coded and run by Ethan with only a small number of user- contributed patches being applied.

Your Application is a Rotting Old Shack, Now What? (Phase 1)

This great article - Last In - First Out: Your Application is a Rotting Old Shack, Now What? - tells some serious truths about how badly a lot of application development is conducted. Though perhaps a better description of the failed processes would be “application management” or “application lifecycle”. The Phase 1 of this “application lifecycle” generally works like this: Company identifies need for Application Company decides internal team can’t develop Application and they decide to buy off-the-shelf Application.

Puppet 0.25.0beta1 released!

The beta1 release of Puppet 0.25.0 has been released! This is a big woot! This represents a mountain of work for Luke and a number of contributors to Puppet (including me! :P). It’s been about 18-24 months in the making since Luke first started tossing ideas around and cutting code. We’re not fully there yet. This is a beta release after all but it’s well on the way and with sufficient testing we should get a release candidate out within the month I hope.

Hello, World!

Hello World! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non lorem diam. Quisque vulputate nibh sodales eros pretium tincidunt. Aenean porttitor efficitur convallis. Nulla sagittis finibus convallis. Phasellus in fermentum quam, eu egestas tortor. Maecenas ac mollis leo. Integer maximus eu nisl vel sagittis. Suspendisse facilisis, mi ac scelerisque interdum, ligula ex imperdiet felis, a posuere eros justo nec sem. Nullam laoreet accumsan metus, sit amet tincidunt orci egestas nec.