


So I’ve been slowly entranced by Kickstarter over the last year. Kickstarter is a new way of funding creative or interesting projects. You set-up a project, specify your objectives, set a target and a time frame for the funds you need and list some rewards (usually varying rewards depending on how much someone pledges). If your total target is met in the time frame then your project is funded and your backers are charged. If not, then your backers aren’t charged. Every week I put aside a few minutes to browse through the new projects and recently have found myself funding two or three a week. I fund my passions obviously - dance, photography, writing - but also a lot of community programs and sometimes just weird ideas. One the nifty thing is the weird and wonderful rewards you receive - postcards, art, books and just really neat heartfelt thanks from people doing cool creative things. I really recommend taking a look and funding some projects - you generally can fund as low as $1 or up to as much as you like - you’ll not only feel good but people send you cool things!